
Working with the clipboard in Natural Calculator is provided in two formats: the internal format is used for copying and pasting expressions within the program, and the string format is used for exchanging expressions with other mathematical programs.

Use the following buttons:

- cuts the selected expression to the clipboard.

- copies the selected expression to the clipboard.

- pastes the expression from the clipboard.

The expression selecting can be made by the following key combinations:

[Shift]-[Right arrow] - select an operation or a string symbol in the right direction.

[Shift]-[Left arrow] - select an operation or a string symbol in the left direction.

[Shift]-[Up arrow] - select an operation within the current operation group, string, the whole formula, or formulas upward.

[Shift]-[Down arrow] - select an operation within the current operation group, string, the whole formula, or formulas downward.

[Ctrl]-[A] - select the whole document.

Internal format

To copy an expression or the whole formula, select the necessary expression and copy it to the clipboard. To paste the expression, put the cursor at the necessary position and paste it from the clipboard. Insertion is impossible when the cursor is in the position "preceding the symbol."

String format

Natural Calculator lets the user copy selected expressions into a string view to the clipboard, paste string formulas, and use a graphical formula format. Patterns corresponding to this operation are described in the "Clipboard" tab of the settings dialog.

You can choose only one pattern for the copy operation and several patterns for the insert operation. The necessary pattern is selected automatically.

The pattern format is the following. Operation parameter numbers are declared in quotes. The rest of the pattern looks like a random string.

During the insertion, the string analyzes from the patterns having the largest number of parameters and sub-expressions containing parts of other patterns. For example, patterns for a root "root("1","2")" and a comma "," will have similar symbols. For the correct analysis, the process is done from the root sub-strings. Then come the commas (if there are any).

Non-analyzed parts are inserted as strings. Surplus brackets are removed.


1. The exponential symbol can use expressions such as "n^m" and "pow(n,m)."

Thus, we can define the following patterns: "1"^"2" и pow("1", "2"). Therefore, strings for the correct analysis can be as follows:

"(1+2)^4" transforms into ;

"pow(5, 6)" - .

2. The Sum symbol contains four elements: variable counter, initial value, final value, and the expression. The pattern can look like the following expression: sum("1", "2", "3", "4"). Example of string and result:

"sum(N, 0, 10, pow(10*N, 2))" - .

3. The pattern root "root("2", "1")" и "("2", "1") nth." Pay attention - the initial position in the expression belongs to the second element (radical expression).

The following examples lead to the same expression - 3/(5*sin(pi)), 4) nth, root(3/(5*sin(pi)), 4):
