Natural Calculator

Natural CalculatorNatural Calculator is a free, powerful, and simple program for solving various mathematical tasks. Unlike any other such programs, Natural Calculator does calculations the same way you do them on paper. That’s because it uses conventional graphical mathematics syntax instead of string. Because Natural Calculator is an all-in-one solution to everything from everyday arithmetic to engineering solving, different people can use it for various jobs.

This program can be used by the home user for everyday calculations, students for solving educational tasks, engineers for complex calculations using units, and scientists for scientific computations.

Main features:

  • Natural Calculator's on-screen interface is a blank on which you can enter text or mathematics expressions in handy graph view. The expressions are output the same as on paper. That is why What You See Is What You Calculate!
  • Results may have any predetermined number of digits and precision. You can define them for the whole document or for a separate expression. There are practically no limits on significant digits, result accuracy, or exponential threshold.
  • Computations can be performed with the following numbers: scientific (numbers have floating point with any precision), integer (binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal notations), rational (result is a vulgar fraction), complex (result is present in arithmetic, trigonometric, or exponential form).
  • Angular measure may be defined for a separate number, an expression result, or the whole document.
  • There are built-in constants and functions. They are defined for different number notations, and  they can have maximum accuracy.
  • User variables and functions are useful. You can define them easily and use them in your computations. You can redefine built-in constants and functions also.
  • Natural Calculator uses units of measurement. There are built-in and user units. You can define your own units or redefine existing ones. You can convert units within one unit system or from one to another system. You can define your own unit systems and use their units in your job.
  • The program uses handy automatic recompute on user input. Change a number or the value of a parameter and see what happens to your expressions and their results.
  • There are two computation window types: standard multistring document and one-formula window have been created for your use.
  • There is integration with mathematical programs that run formulas in string view through the clipboard.
  • Natural Calculator uses include documents to use their variables, units, and functions. Define your own symbols in the document, save it, load in the settings dialog, and use them in a new document. Or, use the supplied documents with defined units, variables, and functions.
  • There is syntax highlight.
  • Complete documentation is available.